A clear and accessible explanation of all the technical terms to consider when buying a new TV. Beginners welcome!
You will not understand anything in modern TV? TNT HD, LCD, Plasma ... are abstract terms that are part of a jungle where you get lost? Here is some information to choose a TV without crash, and the selection of models that we prefer.
Tuner standard, TNT or TNT HD?
The tuner is the part of the TV that can receive terrestrial TV (with antenna) or cable. The standard single tuner is now prohibited for sale. All current TV offer at least one tuner TNT. The picture in HD is much more detailed, more beautiful, and almost gives the impression of looking out the window. In fact, a standard channel TNT is issued 720x576 points, while in HD it uses 1440x1080 points ... almost 4 times more detail. To take advantage, we must of course have a tuner TNT HD, and is the option we strongly recommend.
Definition HD Ready or Full HD?
HD Ready TV displays at least 720 lines, while a Full HD displays at least 1080 lines. 1080 lines? After reading the previous chapter dedicated tuner TNT, is tilt your mind! This is actually the definition that allows to fully value the TNT HD, or movies stored on Blu-ray, also encoded on lines 1080. This is not a choice. Indeed, we must view the image on a large TV, or be located near the screen to see the differences between HD Ready and Full HD. Thus, the TV 32 inches or less may be satisfied with a definition HD ready for the little one looks at more than 2.50 m. Between 37 and 42 inches, depending on the distance that separates you from the screen ... and your visual acuity. In addition, the purchase of a Full HD model is strongly recommended.
Of course, the Full HD models are more expensive. But they are often of better quality and a more beautiful models HD Ready small. It will therefore be particularly vigilant on the choice of a TV 26 or 32 inches. These sizes where there is rarely better and often worse.
Should we believe the figure announced by the contrast?
You can simply ignore the contrast figure announced by the manufacturers. It is calculated in terms of maximizing this measure, although far from ideal for watching a movie. For example, the contrast of a TV announced at 1 000 000:1 falls around 1000 to 2000:1 with the settings displaying the most beautiful image.
However, the increase in numbers in the range of a constructor used to compare the quality of different models it offers. These figures are of course incomparable from one manufacturer to another. Look instead to our measurements.
Plasma or LCD?
It is clear that the LCD is on the rise and alone represents the overwhelming majority of TV sales. The plasma is it so far exceeded? No, absolutely not! It presents a few arguments against the LCD: viewing angles of ultra-large, excellent color, an image very soft and natural, dense black, and a price often below the LCD of the same quality. For these reasons, they often favors the home-movie buffs - these maniacs of home cinema on a quest for the perfect image. However, they suffer from the slab marking when they leave a still image for too long. Their use is discouraged with the game consoles and computers.
In contrast, the LCD has viewing angles closer and let some light through the dark when it shifts the axis of the screen. Moreover, only good quality LCD offers a level of relatively dense black. Indeed, residues still light passing through the LCD crystals where they should be black.
They are however insensitive to the marking and marry well with game consoles and computers. TV Full HD 26 or 32 inches is also wonderfully versatile for use''TV / PC monitor.''
What is the 100 Hz? How to get a picture perfect fluid?
Dense matter that we will try to sum up simply. Contrary to many myths, the 100 Hz has nothing to do with the fluidity of film. The confusion is that the TV offers 100 Hz, especially LCD, offering a way of fluidisation movies. In fact, with plasma, 100 Hz is used simply to limit the flickering images, while LCDs as it reduces the effect of remanence (*) during rapid movements.
So do not confuse the 100 Hz, with Motionflow (Sony), the HDNM (HD Natural Motion Philips), Movie Plus (Samsung) ... which are systems that eliminate saccades films by calculating the intermediate images to film images of the original. These systems are essential to those who are allergic to the slightest tug. Sometimes they create a video that put off some, but it is still possible to disable them. We urge those who want the most useful options of a TV with such a function.
Audio files, video and photo
While many now offer TV playback photos or music in USB memory sticks or SD cards, very few among them can read the videos. And of those we tested, none lit up all the files most common. So do not choose one of these TVs, thinking out of its platinum lounge, his or her PC hard drive multimedia. They are still the only ones to carry out the task of video playback.